Automatically record all email history in Act! without an Outlook plugin
Ensure a complete Act! history by replacing the Outlook plugin from Act! with this reliable background process that captures all required messages, often missed by plugins. Also the best way to avoid duplicate email history.
- Speed up Outlook by removing the Outlook plugin from Act! and using this service instead.
- Avoid downtime caused by updates from Microsoft or Act! affecting your email integration.
- Automatically record all email messages to the history tab of the contact who sent or received the email message, except where the contact is not in Act! or if you exclude the address.
- Include messages sent from a mobile device or other person or computer that doesn’t have Act!
- Include messages received while Outlook is closed.
- Avoid duplicate history caused by Outlook plugin issues, shared mailboxes, or recording to remote databases (checks for duplicates before recording history.
- Cannot be disabled by an Outlook issue.
- Mark the message in Outlook so the user can see which messages matched an Act! contact.
- Install on a single server or workstation, and does not require Outlook at all.
- Connect to mailboxes at your desired frequency (eg. every 10 minutes) to check for new messages to record to Act! history.
- Check any selected mailboxes for your organisation even for people not using Act!, providing a complete history of all correspondence between your team & your contacts.
Records History for e-mail managed via:
- Mobile devices
- Web browser
- Mac
- Shared mailboxes
- Employees not using Act!
Supported E-mail Systems
- Office 365
- Gmail
- Microsoft Exchange 2010-2019 (Hosted or Local)
Supported Act! versions
- Act! Pro, Act! Premium, Act! for Web (v18-24)
- Act! CRM, Act! CRM Classic, Act! Growth Suite, Act! Cloud (Act! Web API)